Tuesday, October 22, 2013


My thought on Marijuana is that I am for it. My uncle owns clinics and he and my aunt which is his twin both had cancer. My Uncle had cancer and because of him smoking weed and after he had surgery it has not come back since. I am not for people that just do it just because they feel like it. I believe in Marijuana for people that really need it.

Sources say that Marijuana hasn't done any harm to anyone. It helps with a lot of diseases such as sclerosis, eyesight problems, muscle spasms and such. I don't think it's right when people abuse it and use it for dumb things, or If they get a medicinal card just because they feel like they want to get high.

I think it's a good medicine to use if you have major pain or even cancer. Cancer patients that use marijuana need it to take some of the pain away, sleep and even also eat. Therefore, I do believe in marijuana for medicinal purposes.

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